Uday’s BEAST Surviv.io BOT
To Use:
- Download this file with the green button on the top of the screen.
- Extract the ZIP file you just downloaded.
- Go to chrome://extensions in your browser. Make sure you have Developer Mode activated. (Do this by toggling the button in chrome://extensions)
- Click “Load Unpacked” and select the subfolder named ChromeExtension which is in the extracted.
- Open Surviv.io.
- Aimbot with collision detection in beta.
- Continuous Fire (hold click button)
- Custom zooming control with scroll wheel
- Transparent buildings, ceilings, obstacles, and trees
- Lasersight sniping shot range
- Displays enemy lines
- Frag grenade timer
- Auto opening doors
- Fast weapon changing (right click)
- Auto healing
- FPS Counter
- AutoDodge in beta
- AutoSwitching of Weapons
- Triggerbot (Don’t need to fire manually)
- Explosive barrels are red!
- Bigger bullets
- New Default Cursor
Special Features:
- You can shoot on space key.
- Auto loot and auto opening door added.
- Zoom radius regulation by Left shift + Mouse wheel
- Press Z key to enable/disable and ESC to show the menu.
- Fast weapon changing, just click right mouse key.
- Emotes are available after pressing the B key(instead right mouse key).
- If you need to temporary disable auto aim, just hold Left shift key.
- Now the auto aim will aim for enemy, closest to mouse pointer.
[button url=”http://bc.vc/oiX1B5X”]Download[/button]